7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Ruby on Rails | Drawbacks & Benefits of Ruby on Rails

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7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Ruby on Rails | Drawbacks & Benefits of Ruby on Rails

7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Ruby on Rails | Drawbacks & Benefits of Ruby on Rails
Being introduced in the year 2004, Ruby on Rails is a programming language used for the purpose of web application development. Since its launch, it immediately became one of the preferred frameworks for the backend development. 

Ruby on Rails simplifies the web application development process by making use of repetitive solutions. The developers are not required to create an app from the scratch every time. Overall, it is intended to speed up the software development process. Similar to Django and Angular, it also operates using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. MVC establishes connection between the object and database. 

Currently tech giants like GitHubAirbnbDribble and Groupon adopt Ruby on Rails framework. Even some popular web frameworks borrowed the concepts of Ruby on Rails. However, like Ruby on Rails, there are various other frameworks in the market. In order to find whether this will be suitable for your application, you need to understand the pros and cons. 

In this article, I will be illustrating about 7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Ruby on Rails | Drawbacks & Benefits of Ruby on Rails. From this post, you will know the pros and cons of using Ruby on Rails.

Let's get started,

Advantages of Ruby on Rails

1. Time Saving

Ruby on Rails completely eliminates the time spent on repetitive tasks with the help of integrated tools. As a result, you can develop apps much faster on Ruby on Rails. Moreover, the codes written in Ruby on Rails can be easily reused and recycled. So in new projects, you are not required to write code again. The faster app development allows high quality applications to be made within a limited time.

2. Security

Ruby on Rails comes with inbuilt security measures. These measures on default keeps your application development cycle safe and secure. And also, dedicated gems are available from the Ruby on Rails site to prevent such security vulnerabilities.

3. Cost Effectiveness

Ruby on Rails is an open source based framework. So it is free from licensing fee. And also, there are plenty of expert developers that you can hire. Due to the less demand of developers, hiring people with less salary becomes easier. And the simplicity of this framework allows you to maintain with low cost.

4. Library Compatibility

The libraries on Ruby on Rails are integrated with community-created gems. Which means that there are numerous tools available to enhance software development experience. For an example, each task of testing, optimization and debugging is assigned with unique tools. Usually, you can find the collection of gems using their official site.

5. Scalability

A well built app is able to handle high number of requests sent by several users. Apps built using Ruby on Rails fulfills this criteria. This makes Ruby on Rails a great choice for apps that frequently expand their market.

6. Conventional

Ruby on Rails follows a convention over configuration approach. So every application that is made from Ruby on Rails must follow this approach. This approach is aimed to provide a smooth navigation inside the application by assigning a set of rules. For using other unconventional features, it needs to be specified separately.

7. Community Support

Ruby on Rails intends to provide community support with some professional Ruby on Rails developers. The community aims to improve the codebase. At the same time, they help others with their projects. For those beginners who struggle with this framework can get assistance from this community.

Disadvantages of Ruby on Rails

1. Performance

Boot time is significantly reduced on Ruby on Rails. Those developers who come after the use of other frameworks often complaint about this boot speed. The time varies according to the number of gems and files. If the file is too large, the speed difference is definitely noticeable.

2. Flexibility

While building web applications using Ruby on Rails, it strictly depends on some standards. The process becomes more complicated when implementing some non-standard features. 

Ruby on Rails doesn't provide an option to select custom modules. So you will have to stick with the default modules. Some of the default modules are database management and routing configuration. Hence, you will have to opt for other frameworks if you want your application to be unique.

3. Reliability

It is common for a developer to make mistakes. When Ruby on Rails is used for web development, developers needs to be extra precautious. Even one small mistake can cost them heavily. Mostly affecting the performance as well as functionality of the application, And since the components on Ruby on Rails depend on each other, it is not easy to reverse the mistakes.

4. Evolvement

Ruby on Rails is a framework which is in constant evolvement. While this sounds great with lots of improvements, beginners will have hard time adjusting to this evolvement. Even the community will face difficulties since they need to upgrade their tools and libraries. Thus, the beginners and new comers must be updated with the community every time for knowing the recent changes.

5. Documentation

Due to the fact that Ruby on Rails has relatively less popular gems and libraries, it is harder to seek reliable documentation. Most often the documents are available in the form of test suites. The information given in the test suites are not sufficient to begin coding. Even if the developer starts coding, they need to constantly check the functionalities. Eventually, they will end up wasting a lot of time.

6. Hosting Support

On default, Ruby on Rails requires more resources which makes them spend more on elemental processing power. As a result, not many hosting providers are ready to support Ruby on Rails.

7. Technical Expertise

Ruby on Rails is a low end programming language. Still many programmers prefer PHP, Django or Laravel over Ruby on Rails. The reason for this is the complex learning process. Therefore, there is a decreasing number of Ruby on Rails developers which makes it difficult to hire one of them.6. Technical Expertise.

1 comment:

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