6 Advantages and Disadvantages of Vue.js | Drawbacks & Benefits of Vue.js

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6 Advantages and Disadvantages of Vue.js | Drawbacks & Benefits of Vue.js

6 Advantages and Disadvantages of Vue.js | Drawbacks & Benefits of Vue.js
Vue.js is a JavaScript based framework that is used to build websites and applications. Applications in essence means mobile and desktop apps. Developers can ensure that Vue.js will deliver equal performance on both of them. 

As the name mentions it is incorporated with the traditional Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. Initially, it is intended to create Single Page Applications (SPA) and User Interface (UI). But now apart from these two, you can create wide range of applications. JavaScript based frameworks are known to posses smooth navigation and development. The same applies to Vue.js as well. 

Due to their versatility and flexibility, Vue.js is preferred by large companies. Currently, tech giants like NetflixFacebookAlibaba and Xiaomi adopt Vue.js technology. Al though Vue.js outperforms other frameworks in terms of many features, still it isn't flawless. Before choosing this platform, all of the advantages and disadvantages must be considered by both the developers and vendors.

In this article, I will be describing about 6 Advantages and Disadvantages of Vue.js | Drawbacks & Benefits of Vue.js. Through this post, you will know the pros and cons of using Vue.js.

Let's get started,

Advantages of Vue.js

1. Learning Curve

Often, if you have basic knowledge in JavaScript, HTML and CSS you can get started with Vue.js. Without prior experience of Libraries and JavaScript variations. There is no such requirement of learning other languages. Further with the support of code editors like Atom, the development process becomes much easier. 

2. Data Binding

Some features of Angular is inherited in Vue.js. One such is the two way data binding. This features helps to link the View (UI) and Model data updates so that the existing bound components can be updated frequently. Now the changes are in real time. Such fast responsiveness makes it recommended to be used in applications requiring real time updates. 

3. Framework Size

One of the greatest advantage of Vue.js is its smaller size. The size is not more than 21 KB and it is not a big deal to download and install this software. Due to its light weight design, it can outperform many of the large size frameworks. Mostly in terms of SEO and UX.

4. Code Reusability

The smaller components of code allows the Vue.js framework to be reused many number of times. Each component is present as a single file that can be integrated into an existing application or infrastructure. Thus, for similar elements there is no need to create a separate template. The same template can be reused.

5. Customization

For the projects that requires advanced customizations, integrating Vue.js with other frameworks is made easy. For an example, you can integrate Vue.js with other frameworks like Angular and React. With appropriate customization, each of the segments will be having a separate function which overalls helps to create an amazing app.

6. Virtual DOM

One reason for the faster rendering and enhanced performance of Vue.js is because of its Virtual DOM. Vue.js uses virtual DOM for rendering elements on a screen instead of entire DOM. When a visitor loads a certain webpage the contents are displayed on a web browser by rending information. 

Disadvantages of Vue.js

1. Technical Expertise

Since Vue.js is relatively a new technology, it is less popular among developers. So it becomes difficult to find experienced Vue.js professionals. Even so, the developers need to be updated with the framework. Otherwise, there can be complications while acquiring all of its features. 

2. Language Restrictions

The developer of Vue.js is originally of Chinese nation. So the coding and other functionalities are in Chinese. Hence, the discussions and contents are too held in Chinese. That is the reason why majority of development communities are non-English speaking. This is a major problem for the English speaking communities which makes them opt for other development frameworks

3. Resource Limitations

Again to be more precise, Vue.js is not a big framework as compared to React or Angular. This is very well seen in the form of plugins. The number of plugins available in Vue.js is very less. Even the existing plugins are not all the time supported. The reason for this is because Vue.js is still in the development stage.

4. Project Support

Vue.js is still in the development phase. Compared to other frameworks like Angular JS, its development and community team is relatively small. Therefore, it lacks the ability to support large scale projects. Most large enterprises are not interested in supporting Vue.js which makes it automatically weak for large scale projects. This recommends it only to be used in smaller projects.

 5. Work Overload

Despite Vue.js being more flexible, the same could make things more complicated. Especially, for the large scale projects with different programming approaches. When the project is large and involves lots of developers, there is a chance for more errors and irregularities. Thus, the development team needs to spend more time in identifying issues making it harder for the project to be delivered on time.

6. Community Support

Vue.js is a closed community development framework. The team involved in the creation of Vue.js is too small. Therefore, the support given is limited. Whenever there is a problem, you cannot expect an immediate solution. Users must spend days or even months to find an appropriate solution.

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